Sigma 50mm F1.4 EX DG HSM lens…
by Rodney Campbell on Nov.11, 2010, under Life, Photography
I havn’t blogged in some time… now it isn’t because I havn’t been taking any photos (I’ve actually taken swags :)) – however I’ve been very busy and my family have been away on holidays recently for about ten days in Phuket Thailand (photos coming soon).
In the meantime I’d like you to meet my newest photographic acquisition – the Sigma 50mm F1.4 EX DG HSM lens.
I bought this lens essentially to update/replace my existing Nikon nifty fifty lens (the Nikon AF 50mm f/1.8) which is a fantastic lens – however I’m being seduced by the Bokeh, the limited depth of field and that extra 2/3rds of a stop of speed. The reviews for this lens (assuming you get a good copy) show it to be a top performer and I’m really looking forward to testing it out (I’ll be taking photographs at our local schools annual performance tonight and tomorrow).
When I originally bought the Nikon 50mm lens I really didn’t think I would use it that much however I’ve discovered that I use it quite a bit (especially for portraits where it’s effective 75mm focal length and wide aperture is ideal; and for indoors ambient low light use – e.g. many school hall functions).
The Sigma 50mm RRP’s here in Australia for around AUD$800 however I was fortunate enough to be able to get it price matched from the Australian distributor (C.R.Kennedy) for AUD$454 delivered. Not only that I ordered it Tuesday afternoon and it arrived on Thursday morning – gotta be very happy with that. Big kudos to Clem for his awesome work.
March 25th, 2011 on 1:47 pm
There a lot of really good and affordable 50mm lenses out there, it really just comes down to which brand your prefer. They are all quite good.