My Nikon D750 Settings…
by Rodney Campbell on Jun.06, 2015, under Photography
I’ve recently purchased a second/backup camera body (the Nikon D750) for my full frame Nikon D600 D-SLR. In a couple of months I’ll be going away on a long trip in remote areas of our wonderful country and I don’t want to be camera-less should some accident befall it. The D750 will become my primary camera body and my trusty D600 will become the backup. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with the D600 and there was no need for the “upgrade” – they are both just about equally epic cameras – I just need a backup for this once in a lifetime trip.
I’m a compulsive researcher and ADD list maker so I’ve done some research on all those little settings which are available in camera. Therefore I figured I might just share the result of my detailed study and how I’ve setup my D750 for daily use (basically all my default settings).
Firstly I should say that I primarily shoot in Aperture priority mode or Manual. This is mostly because I like to be able to control my depth of field – because I’m mostly taking shots of landscape, people, portraits or things.
So on to the D750 camera settings I use… The following lists mostly show the settings I’ve changed which are different from the Nikon D750 Defaults…
D750 Playback Menu:
Playback display options: Highlights & RGB histogram & Overview
Image review: On
Rotate tall: Off
D750 Shooting Menu:
Image Quality: RAW
Color space: sRGB (default)
Active D-Lighting: Off (default)
Auto distortion control: Off (default)
Long exp. NR: Off (default)
High ISO NR: Norm (default)
ISO sensitivity settings: ISO 100, Auto ISO: [Max: 12800, Min Shutter: Auto]
Remote control mode (ML-L3): Quick-response remote
D750 Custom Settings Menu:
a6 Focus point wrap around: On
a9 Built-in AF-assist illuminator: Off
c1 Shutter Release Exposure Locking: Off (default)
c2 Standby timer: 10s
c3 Self Timer Delay Setting: 2s
c4 Monitor Off Delay: 20s, 1m, 20s, 10s, 10m
c5 Remote on duration: 5m
d1 Beep: Off (default)
d2 Continous low-speed: 3 fps (default)
d6 File Number Sequence: On (default)
d7 Viewfinder grid display: On
e1 Flash sync speed: 1/200s (Auto FP) (if own external flash) < -- I only do this since I own an SB-900 flash which supports Auto FP high speed sync
e3 Flash cntrl for built-in flash: TTL or Commander mode: TTL (if own external flash), Channel: 2 < -- I only do this since I own an SB-900 flash which supports wireless mode
f1 OK button: Playback mode: Zoom -> 1:1 (100%)
f2 Assign Fn Button: Press -> Top Item in My Menu
f4 Assign AE-L/AF-L: AF lock only (AE Lock (Hold)?) (AE/AF lock is default)
f7 Slot empty release lock: Lock
f8 Reverse indicators: -O+ (default)
D750 Setup Menu:
Copyright Information: …
D750 Setup MyMenu:
Setup -> Virtual horizon
Shooting -> ISO sensitivity settings
Shooting -> Interval timer shooting
Shooting -> Multiple exposure
Custom -> e3 Flash cntrl for built-in flash
On top of this I also use the two User settings mode dial slots (U1 and U2) to store extra customised shooting settings for quick access (e.g. one tailored for tripod style shooting (night time, land and sea scapes, etc) and one for portrait/street photography). These U1 & U2 slots start with the above general settings and have the following additional starting point customisations.
U1 – Landscape: Aperture Priority & f/11, ISO 100, Auto ISO Off, Single-Servo AF (AF-S), Single-Point AF (centre point selected)
U2 – Portrait/Street: Aperture Priority & f/4, Auto ISO On [Min Shutter: Auto*2], Continuous-Servo AF (AF-C), 9-point Dynamic Area AF (for Street I might then switch to Auto-Area AF)
Sport/Wildlife: Aperture Priority & f/2.8, Continuous-Servo AF (AF-C), 51(21)-point Dynamic Area AF (or 3D-Tracking AF), Auto ISO On [Min Shutter: Auto*2], Custom Setting a1: AF-C priority selection: Release priority, RAW 12 bit compressed (increases buffer depth), (Custom Setting f4: Assign AE-L/AF-L: AF-ON ?)