What is a URL?

* Uniform Resource Locator - Provide a compact notation for describing resources all over the Internet.

* URL's represent hypermedia links and links to network services within HTML documents.

URL  ::=  service://host/parameters

service  ::=  ftp, file, telnet, wais, gopher, news, http
host  ::=  Internet address [ : port ]
        |  user [ . passwd ] @ Internet address [ : port ]
        |  localhost    (empty hostname implies localhost)
parameters can be ftp://host/filename
               |  file://host/filename
               |  telnet://host/
               |  wais://host/keyword [ ?keyword ... ]
               |  gopher://host/menu_item [ / menu_item ... ]
               |  news:newsgroup
               |  http://host/filename
               |  http://host/cgi-bin/program/params
               |  http://host/formname [ ?param ... ]

More Information.

Electronic Commerce on the Internet - WWW (World Wide Web) - the "Glossy Brochure"
Rodney Campbell [Rodney.Campbell@Telstra.com.au]
(c) Copyright 1995 Telstra Corporation.

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Last modified: Sun Apr 9 13:47:42 1995