Rodney Campbell's Blog

It’s all in the Eyes…

by on Mar.09, 2012, under Life, Photography

Iwas at school the other day and snapshotted this grab of my youngest daughter sitting in the playground. Yes it’s my favourite lens for portraits (the 50/1.4) but I got lucky on the focus this time with it’s razor thin DoF (even at f/2) with both irises and not much else in focus 🙂

Note: These images (especially the wider shots) look much better when larger – so click any of the images below to see larger versions in an inline overlay slideshow gallery viewer.

NIKON D7000 + 50.0 mm f/1.4 @ 50 mm, 1/200 sec at f/2, ISO 100

and a 100% crop of the eye (self portrait :)) – even the lashes are oof and by the eyebrows it’s blur time…

NIKON D7000 + 50.0 mm f/1.4 @ 50 mm, 1/200 sec at f/2, ISO 100

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