Rodney Campbell's Blog

Resting Under the Stars…

by on Nov.11, 2015, under Life, Photography

82km north-east of Port Hedland, 71km south-west of Pardoo Roadhouse on western side of Great Northern Highway and northern side of river lies De Grey River Rest Area.

There were plenty of people resting here for the night and it was another opportunity for me to get out, walk the ten metres required and setup to take some milky way shots of the clear night skies :). The only things I had which I could include in the foreground were these few tress and our vans and cars. Not awesomely inspiring or amazing but the best I could do on short notice :).

Resting Under the Stars

Resting Under the Stars

NIKON D750 + 14.0 mm f/2.8 @ 14 mm, 30 sec at f/2.8, ISO 4000 x 7 Frames

Note: These photographs (especially the wider shots) look much better when larger – so click any of the images below to see larger versions in an inline overlay slideshow gallery viewer.

I took seven (7) vertical frames using the Samyang 14mm at around a quarter past 7 (a little after astro twilight and less than half an hour before moonrise). The real trick here was trying to deal with the brightness of all the lights from all the vans and the few people walking about with their lights.

The milky way was high in the sky (the arch was almost vertically above rather than nice and low towards the horizon). This meant I had to angle the very wide 14mm up quite high to make sure I included the top of the arch. Given that I’m doing this all manually by hand and by eye in the dark I’m pretty happy it even stitched :).

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